26 May 1985, Posted by Scott An Chora
Imprisoned by my own curiosity.
I felt as if I was looking up through trees that encircled my view, staring at the many branches and the fruits suspended beyond my grasp. I knew I could no longer be satisfied simply to lie here on my back, closing my eyes and dreaming of things out of my reach. I wanted to touch and longed to taste those fruits. I wanted to know where the river was flowing. I wanted to let loose the chain I had bound myself in. I wanted to see the world, so I reached out.
It’s my 24th birthday and with spring came a new opportunity. I gave myself two three-month Eurail passes, a Britrail pass and a one-way ticket to London to begin this new adventure. I also bought a 35 mm camera and a leather bound travel journal to keep track of my steps. Things worth doing are things worth sharing, so here I am.
The beauty of being alive.
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