08/27 Sevilla, Portugal

27 Aug 1985, Posted by Scott An Chora in Travelogue, No Comments.

08/27 Sevilla, Portugal

I was up early to the sound of the alarm aside my bed.  Still half asleep my brain jumped into gear once it realized where I was.  I was full of renewed energy and headed south down the empty street where Ann had disappeared.  I sat behind a cup of coffee inside a small café across the street from where she had vanished.  I had knocked on one of the doors and then another but with no response.  It was still early, especially for Spain.  I turned to my left and noticed a large German shepherd who had chosen me as his curb partner.  He had sat down next to me like walking him without a leash was common place.  I started up a conversation with my new friend and began to explain my quest.  Sometimes just saying things out loud confirms my thinking as if somebody else was actually listening.  I think initially he had sights on my bread and didn’t hear a word I said.  Jokingly I had asked if he knew which door was she hiding behind.  He got up from his relaxed position as if he understood every word I spoke, crossed the street and began scratching on one of the many doors that lined the street as if he smelled a cat on the other side.  I thought to myself that perhaps it was just another coincidence but why not follow his lead.  I knocked a little harder on the door he choose but again no one responded.  It was then I noticed an elderly woman who had begun hanging laundry out on the third story balcony just above my head.  I attempted to grab her attention; I suppose I looked like a demented windmill waving my arms about.  I tried using my hands to gesture that I was searching for someone who might be sleeping in there, “Young Senorita” I repeated while outlining shapely hips.  She reached into her apron and tossed down a large ring with a key to the door below.  I quickly made it up to her loft.  It was apparent she didn’t speak any English and that she had the impression that I was looking for a room for myself.  We both knew we weren’t communicated so she gathered for me to follow her. She led me to another woman on the fourth floor who spoke a bit of English.  She said she hadn’t seen any young woman who met my description but suggested I try across the hall because the woman there also provided accommodations for travelers and perhaps that’s the place you seek.

I knocked on the door across the hall and eventually a friendly lady greeted me at the door.  I again explained the reason for me being there.  She gestured that there were group of travelers in the adjacent room and suggested that I just wake them up.  We’ll I wasn’t interested in waking anybody up that early but I was interested in seeing if that was the right group of travelers.  At the exact moment I looked through the window Ann had rolled over in bed and turned to see me standing there.  Absolute shock came across her face.  “Don’t wake up the others, just get dressed and I will wait for you outside” I whispered.  “I don’t understand, I don’t understand, how did you find me?  How is this possible?” she questioned.  I told her nothing was impossible and to go get dressed.  She ran into my arms while my shepherd friend watched waiting for a pet of his own.  We walked hand in hand down to a park bench just around the corner.  The shepherd followed.  I explained the labyrinth I struggled through to get back to her.  “Come travel with me.  Gather up your things and tell your friends you’re heading home then meet me at the fountain in front of the church.” I explained that I would try to find us a room on the way there and kissed her goodbye.

Eventually I found the perfect place.  It was a typical Spanish villa with numerous rooms.  Each room had windows that opened onto an enclosed courtyard.  The smell of freshly watered plants and the sounds from the many birds that called the courtyard home painted a romantic setting.  I waited only minutes on the edge of the fountain before she snuck up from behind and gave me a kiss.  We wandered back toward our room to settle in and to drop off her bags.  Along the way we unfortunately ran into one of the two guys she had just said goodbye to.  Perhaps our encounter had put her earlier comments in question but I didn’t know or care.  We meandered through the empty park left to ourselves.  Along the river’s edge we sunned on a small wooden dock and eventually found ourselves relaxing in the shade in front of the church where we had started.  I managed to persuade Ann to climb to the top of the church’s tower and was a bit shocked that we had to fork out money to enter a church but the view of the city from the tower was worth the expense.

White washed grace and jasmine balconies laden with orange trees.  A “Perpetual avalanche” of romantic thoughts danced from moment to moment.  It was the combination of the heat and fact we were both sweating that we found pleasure in pointing out all the pools located on rooftops.  We did make three attempts to visit a few of the pools we saw from the tower, but on each occasion we got caught somewhere between the reception deck and the cool blue water that was our quest.  We finally settled in front of a small café just off the main square nursing a bottle of water.  Castanets heard with the evening breeze and shadows of the flamingo danced back from the reflective pools.  Our conversation also danced from one subject to another until we again the topic of her family arose.  A tear began to gather at the corner of her eye and her words began to falter slightly as if water babbling downstream over small rocks.  I backed off and then slowly I approached a small window she began to open.  She allowed just enough light to display only shadows and edges of those things that filled her room.  She danced around a conflict between herself and her father.  I listened.

A small badly lit room with no mirror holds a tapestry of where my secrets lie
Hell has followed my imagination and galloped into my sickness
Where its waves whisper terrible truths as they eat away at me and keep me from escaping

I hope I provide some guidance or at least some type of relief but what did I know.  She would never reveal the deepest root, only the leaves and branches.  I avoided the subject from fear of imagining the worst, so I let it rest.  We gradually migrated back to our room and called it a night.

I began drawing lines across her body tracing the warmth I received through each of my fingers.  While my conscious mind began appreciating the design of God’s creation, she was made beautifully in every way.  My eyes floated about her body like a cushion of air consuming me.  Her beauty was made up of shape and form but also shown from within.  Like a star.  Kissing her was as natural as breathing and slowly my mouth wandered toward her ear “You only have to say yes”.  In a subtle, almost mourning whisper, “Yes”, she whispered back.  I lead her to the bed and while standing behind her I began kissing the right side of her neck while my hands memorized every detail of her breasts.  Slowly, very slowly my hand traveled downward and stopped where I discovered hair.  I could hear my heart beating, echoing in every breath.  I could feel her back arching away from me beckoning my hand to return to her breasts.  She widened her legs while she reached around herself and grabbed hold of me.  I touched her, slowly discovering her warmth.  We maintained this position as we moved onto the bed.  She reached into the air, braced her hands onto the top of the headboard my hands still embracing her breasts.  Not yet penetrating I would kind of tease over her lips, inducing her to invite me in.  Again and then again, like the opening of a flood gate I penetrated deep causing her to catch her breath and then slowly we worked ourselves into a rhythm, accompanied by a deep resonating moan.  There is nothing more sexually exciting than the expression of a woman enjoying intercourse, the moan.  On occasion I would intentionally slip out only to re-enjoy inserting again, to reconfirm the contract of her warmth to the rest of the room.  I climaxed in rhythm to her moans and then collapsed like a parachute reuniting with the earth.  We fell to sleep comforted in each other arms.

In the depths of our garden, love roots its way into those precious memories, dreams
one has forgotten dreamt
there upon life with a smile, it crept in unnoticed

How love grows …
I am yours and yours shall be, love, through all eternity

We arose to the morning dew, made diamonds by the sun magnifying the memories, of life
and there aligned to the vision
as the sands of life run, we’ve become one

How love grows …
I am yours and yours shall be, love, through all eternity

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    Usually behind a cup of coffee waiting for the world around me to wake up I entered today’s thoughts about yesterday’s activities into my travel journal. I’m not a writer, so I’ll apologize in advance if I jump around or seem confused. These are just the thoughts of a young man who left his possessions behind and who believes that getting lost is how one finds oneself.

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