23 Sep 1985, Posted by Scott An Chora in Travelogue, 0 Comments
At the breakfast table there were rumors of another train strike, so about six of us headed out early to attempt to board the last train prior to any stoppage. Our destination was Mont-St-Michel. When the island first came within view I stood there for some time and gazed at its glory. It had more a look of a cover to a picture book than something actually real, a castle right out of some fairytale. There were endless fields of mud waiting for the imprint of somebody’s foot. (more…)
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24 Sep 1985, Posted by Scott An Chora in Travelogue, 0 Comments
I wandered about the northern coast of France skipping from hostel to hostel and enjoying their fine cuisine. Finding excellent food was easy but locating a smile or a friendly gesture from the locals was sometimes impossible. I felt that the rudeness the Northern French dished out actually provided the glue that bonded us tourists closer together. I came across a nice room in Blois and utilized it as home base to visit the chateaus in the area. (more…)
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26 Sep 1985, Posted by Scott An Chora in Travelogue, 0 Comments
With all the time I’ve been spending on trains I started to find it difficult to sleep without the cluttering of wheel against rail. I had an address of a hostel in Frankfurt that somebody had suggested along the way. It was late and dark when I reached Frankfurt and I didn’t have the best luck making sense of the piece of paper I was carrying. (more…)
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28 Sep 1985, Posted by Scott An Chora in Travelogue, 0 Comments
I woke up with a serious problem. I don’t know if it was the combination of the exercise the other day, the consumption of alcohol or both but my arms had stiffened to the point where I could not extend them beyond a forty five degree angle. I tried carried my bags first in one hand and then the other using the weight of the bags to help stretch out my muscles, very scary. (more…)
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29 Sep 1985, Posted by Scott An Chora in Travelogue, 0 Comments
I stopped in Karlsuhe for something to eat and decided to head through Offerberg and then into Strasborg for a day or two. I had had four consecutive days of good weather and today was no different. The water just smiled back with the reflection of the autumn leaves. I loved the way the city was broken into pieces by the water. (more…)
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